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Become a true Spy Ninja by joining the action! Help us save the internet from Project Zorgo by gathering clues, alerting us to hacker activity, collecting special items, defending the safehouse, and more.


Join us in Roblox! We’ve discovered Project Zorgo’s very own server, and we need your help keeping Roblox safe from evil hackers. We’ve managed to hack our way in, but we can’t do it alone! You’ll be able to discover clues, learn new skills, and power up with awesome special items. New updates, features, and content will be added regularly as we work together to uncover their sinister plans and put a stop to their nefarious ways.


Thanks to your hard work and great defense of the Safehouse, we have uncovered the Master Terminal responsible for the forcefield between us and the Park! Let’s take it down and set up our new area: Desert Breeze Park.

New Features
  • New Desert Breeze Card Packs! Unlocked in the Park Area Only!
  • New, Upgradeable FLIP SMASH ATTACK!
  • New Defense Arena
  • New Exploding Enemies
  • and More!

Coming Soon!
  • New Desert Breeze Card Packs! Unlocked in the Park Area Only!
  • New, Upgradeable FLIP SMASH ATTACK!
  • New Defense Arena
  • New Exploding Enemies
  • and More!